EXPERIENCE & EXPERTISE that builds value

Strategy & Execution Advisory for Privately Held Businesses

Specializing in Mid-market B2B Companies

Transforming Your Business for Growth & Profitability


You are doing great, but you sense there is more. 


Many businesses appear to be doing great, but underneath the surface, they have some hidden weaknesses or opportunities. Flushing these out is our expertise. At a minimum, we can validate your efforts; but we might also find some golden opportunities buried in your business.

The intense demands of running your business make it difficult for you to identify, evaluate, and implement strategic choices that will yield the highest returns. The problem is not your capabilities; it is your limited bandwidth and focus that keeps you from achieving the highest performance for the business. Imagine having an experienced partner to help you where you need it most.

We can help you find and focus on a transformative strategy that will yield you the best long-term performance for your business. Today, that strategy is built on technology – data, systems, processes – that enable traditional business models and markets to be disrupted. We know how to implement these technologies and make them work for you.

Preparing Your Business for a Potential Sale


You aren’t ready to sell the business now, but what about tomorrow?


Our experience shows that most entrepreneurs sell their businesses for a lot less than they could have had they planned and prepared the business for sale. Too often, the day-to-day demands placed on you as owner, make it challenging to maintain the level of focus and objectivity needed to achieve the most for the business. Sometimes, it is a lack of understanding and experience of the enterprise valuation process. Either way, we can help you establish and achieve goals that will maximize the value business when you are ready to exit.

Alternatively, if you intend to pass the business to the next generation, we can help prepare them for the challenges ahead. You can have an experienced executive teach and coach the future leaders while you continue to run the business. This allows you to help them avoid painful and expensive, lessons in the future.

Responding to a Crisis


When the unexpected happens, you need help navigating the storm.


Having an experienced partner in your court to help you make quick decisions can keep your business off the rocks. We can help you when you need it most.

Leading a business can be lonely, particularly when you face tough times. There are moments when you can’t share your thoughts with your team. Having a partner who understands your situation and can help you work through tough decisions in confidence is priceless at times. We provide you access to a seasoned C-Level executive who can help you work through the toughest problems.