Transformational strategies

About Us

TRANSFORMATUS [trans-for-mat-us] means transformed.

Who We Are

We are seasoned executives who have led and transformed B2B businesses throughout our careers. Our approach is to view every situation as an opportunity to change a business into something special. Our experience allows us to see hidden opportunities and craft a path that minimizes pitfalls.

Unlike the large consultancies, we bring practical approaches that won’t cost you a fortune but have high impact. We leverage experienced, C-level executives with the knowledge and expertise to bring your business forward.

Our Values

Principles A2

Principles Matter

Principles always matter; however, they mean nothing without discipline. Too often, we see businesses ignoring their principles, or operating without any, heading in the wrong direction for a short-term gain. Principles are absolute, they define the lines we must not cross.

We believe in integrity. We understand the difference between right and wrong. We respect and value others. We treat our clients accordingly, and we expect them to share these ideals.

People A2

People Matter

People ARE the value of every enterprise. Caring for them, providing them opportunities to learn and grow, valuing their ideas, and giving them our trust are all essential for greatness. We treat our clients, and the employees of their businesses, with respect and caring. We seek outcomes that allow all the stakeholders: owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and lenders the opportunity to win.

Impact F2

Every Business has Great Potential

We believe every business has the potential to be great. However, too often this greatness is constrained by arbitrary limits defined by the owners or leadership. Thinking outside the box is our specialty; we will help you find a path to the exceptional.

Standards A2

Excellence Required

You can only find excellence if you seek it out. Holding high expectations is the first step towards excellence. We strive for excellence every day and seek opportunities to make ourselves stronger.

Doug Fergusson
Managing Director

Doug is an executive advisor with over 30-years’ experience transforming businesses into high-growth and profitability. He has applied a blend of business analysis, disciplined execution, innovative thinking, and big-picture strategy to achieve amazing results.

Most recently he advised, then served as President and CEO for 6 years, a privately-held $50+ million-per-year specialty chemical supplier serving the construction industry. He began that assignment identifying a potential bankruptcy but quickly developed a strategy to pivot the business in a new direction. Disciplined execution of the plan dramatically improved the profitability of the business. Over his 6-plus years with that business, the company became recognized as the leading innovator to the industry. The result was a dramatic increase in product margins and business profitability.

He has built businesses within Fortune 500 companies and led small to mid-sized privately-held businesses achieve remarkable results. Four of these businesses achieved annual growth rates ranging from 40% to 100%.

Doug has executed business turnarounds that dramatically shifted the organizations in the right direction. One of these turnarounds increased EBIT from less than $14 million to over $32 million in less than 12-months.  

Doug holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Engineering. The experience in his engineering education led him to develop a systemized approach to leading business change. He has successfully applied this approach in a career that has spanned Product Management, Marketing, Sales, Operations, and General Management.

Doug has been in the Atlanta area for over 20 years. He is a certified as a PADI Master Scuba Diver and dives every chance he gets.