Systematic success

Our Process

We apply a methodical process to diagnose your current state, determine transformative strategic path options, and provide you advice and resources to get you there quickly.

1. Apply Diagnostics

Size Up & Target the Opportunity

Understanding the potential, and identifying the obstacles, is half of the challenge to building exceptional businesses. However, most mid-market companies don’t have the resources and focus needed to mine this opportunity. The process to systematically analyze a business is time-consuming and is difficult to prioritize while running the day-to-day activities of the business. We bring a disciplined approach, built on years of experience of taking boring businesses and turning them into stars and apply these diagnostics to your business. The result reveals a number of strategic paths that can take you to new levels.
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2. Find the Blind Spots

Identify & Fill the Gaps

You have incredible flexibility and agility as a privately-held business, but you are almost always limited in resources. This isn’t always a bad thing; it forces discipline and focus. Choosing what you do (and don’t do) and who you have on your team is the primary role of a leader. However, the inevitable consequence is a gap in knowledge and experience that creates “blind spots” for the Owner. These blind spots hold potential and danger for the business. Identifying and filling these blind spots is central to the purpose and methodology of our approach.
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3. Disciplined Analysis

Maximize Profit & Growth Drivers

We apply a disciplined approach to unlock the potential of a business. We focus on the “Big Picture” drivers of profit growth and provide the leadership the tools to execute. This process challenges the team to explore new strategic trajectories that are often ignored because they are considered too hard or too different. We design an approach to create sustainable and substantial future growth in EBITDA with a mindset and strategic plan with a long-term view. However, this long-term approach does not mean results are pushed into the distant future; most often, the shifted mindset translates into immediately positive change for the business.
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4. Drive Out Risks

Reduce Risks to Build Value

While sustained EBITDA growth is the primary objective of our process, our secondary goal is to drive risk out of the business. Risk factors can have a significant negative effect on the valuation of a business. A systematic approach to identify, then reduce or eliminate these risks, can restore this value. Risk drivers include factors such as concentration of business with a single customer, or in the sales of a single product. Dependence on certain suppliers, technology, or key employees (including owners) can drive down value., just as low product margins, high working capital requirements, or other balance sheet issues. Our process seeks to methodically steer the business away from these risk factors.
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5. Transform the Business

Strategic Execution

Owners face tremendous pressure to stay focused on the current business. This is natural; failure to execute for today will lead you to a failed business in the future. However, too often this hyper-focus on perfecting today’s business leaves no room for building a significant future. More significantly, it steers you away from considering transformative strategies. We specialize in helping you find the best strategy for today AND tomorrow. We will challenge you to consider radical changes to your business that hold the potential for dramatic growth and profitability. We can help you identify the strategic opportunities, develop a plan to execute with your team, and provide ongoing coaching in your strategic execution.
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