We know business-to-business companies


B2B businesses face unique challenges; they must be experts on their customers’ operations and provide measurable value with their products and services.

We are B2B experts. Sales channels for these businesses can be complex and often involve sophisticated sales and support teams. Knowing how to effectively organize, recruit, train, and develop sales channels is a critical competency that is weak in many small to mid-sized B2B companies.

B2B companies also face complicated strategic decisions. Often, these businesses have too many strategic choices and can get bogged-down processing through the possibilities, never reaching a conclusion. The strategic deadlock holds many of companies hostage, keeping them from pursuing a bold new direction. Alternately, B2B companies can find themselves pursuing too many strategic initiatives, diluting their efforts, and ending up with poor results.

We will help your business break-out of the deadlock, finding the best path to great results.

Manufacturer C2


Manufacturing businesses are technology businesses. We bring the engineering mindset to combine proven methodologies with innovation in a manner that creates real business transformation.

Manufacturing businesses inevitably deal with existing investments in plants, equipment and supply-chain commitments, so transformative strategies must be evolutionary in order to succeed.

We understand the constraints of these manufacturing companies, without being constrained.

Chemical E2

Chemical Process

Chemical process businesses face unique technical, safety, and environmental challenges. They also struggle strategically as so many have been relegated to commodity status. Transforming these companies into specialty products businesses requires out-of-the-box thinking combined with an engineering mindset.

We are experienced in the sector and know to identify core competencies that can be leveraged into a differentiated offering. Finding the niche and creating that breakthrough strategy with the team is our expertise.

Printer C2

Printing & Packaging

Ironically, the printing and packaging industry are integral to their customers’ success, yet too often they end up being positioned as commodity consumables. The focus of many companies in this sector is all about driving down costs and beating down raw material suppliers. Instead, these businesses need to focus on the value chain with their customers and breakout of their narrow view of what they provide their customers.

Expanding the range of services offered to customer that can greatly expand the growth and profitability path for businesses in this sector. We are experienced in this sector and know how to systematically identify pathways for growth.

Logistics D2

Distribution & Logistics

Distribution and logistics companies are either commodity service providers, or are integrated technology, data, and process providers. Filling the process gaps, and anticipating customer future needs, are the key to building a valuable distribution and logistics business. Finding these opportunities, and the technology to enable this differentiation, is one way that we can help you.

Software & Services

Software companies face a unique challenge, high application development and marketing costs, which can yield high margin sales. However, the time before breakeven can be challenging to navigate and prioritize. Once you are profitable are you still fueling your growth without bloating your organization.

We can help you keep you prioritize your initiatives to pace the business to success while minimizing pitfalls. We can give you access to experienced, C-Level executives without needing to commit to the time-consuming and risky task of adding to the executive team.

Business Services A2

Business Services

Business Services providers are inherently outsourced business processes, so the key to thriving is to be superior than your customer (and your competitors):

  • Business process integration,
  • Process automation,
  • Service excellence,
  • Information and data services

How do you ensure you are always moving forward? How do you anticipate customer needs before your customer? We can help you find that strategy that will set you apart in the marketplace and guide you in a plan to execute.