Discovering Great Potential


A disciplined approach to analyzing the current state of the business and uncovering breakthrough strategic pathways.

Check Up A2

Strategic Check-up

Going to the doctor every year to get a routine check-up is a wise thing to do, particularly as you age. A check-up puts you through a battery of tests and compares the results to benchmarks. It is a great way to gauge your health, identify opportunities for improvement, and spot potential significant health risks.
The Strategic Check-up follows a similar process for a business; it is a high-level scorecard that can be done quickly and give you a hint of potential opportunities and threats. It is a perfect tool for CEOs and Boards to identify blind-spots and measure progress.

Diagnostics A2

Strategic Opportunity Assessment

While a Strategic Check-Up can identify “potential” problems, more extensive diagnostics are required to identify specific issues. The Strategic Opportunity Assessment is a comprehensive diagnostic for the business that provides a “deep-dive” assessment to flush out opportunities and weaknesses. The process is ideal for a company that is facing a potential turnaround or ones that are stagnating. The primary mission of the Strategic Opportunity Assessment is to identify transformative changes that will pivot the business in a new direction.
The assessment process includes extensive data collection and interviews with the management team, customers, and suppliers. Business processes are analyzed, team capabilities are assessed, and a map of strategic markets is built. The process is iterative, leading to a final Opportunity Report with recommendations.