a force multiplier for OWNERS

CEO & Owner Advisory

We are facing a marketplace that is evolving faster than at any time in recent memory. Having an experienced partner in your court can go a long way to accelerate the process of analyzing strategic alternatives, vetting the options, and guiding the implementation of key initiatives. You don’t have to be limited by your current organization; having a flexible resource in your arsenal might be the edge you need.

Customer A2

Customer Experience

The complete customer experience is the most significant driver of value perceived by your customers. Transforming this experience with data, processes, technology, and culture can be game-changing, but the effort can be daunting for most CEOs. An experienced partner in the process can greatly speed your effort to a successful conclusion.

Planning A2

Strategic Plannning & Execution

Smaller to mid-sized companies don’t have the resources to have focused efforts to research, formulate, and execute strategy. The consequence is that these businesses tend to “stay in their lane” and fail to find that long-term strategy that can transform the business. An experienced executive can be a great partner to the CEO to drive this initiative.

Costs A2-min

Margin Improvement Program

Gross margins are central to achieving high profitability in the business. Surprisingly, many companies squander their profitability through poor management of their supply chain and operational efficiencies and/or a lack of discipline in their pricing management process. Given that a 10%-15% margin difference can shift a business from a superstar to a dog, finding where the leaks are can dramatically improve a business.

Business Services E2

Service Delivery

The service and support model for the company can dramatically transform a business. Many B2B companies underestimate their customers’ need for ongoing support and how much these customers value service delivery in their purchase decisions. Exceptional service and support can command higher prices for products and reduce customer turnover.

Sales A2

Sales Strategy & Effectiveness

Sales effectiveness is a combination of resource planning, channel selection, recruiting and selection, compensation systems, marketing, sales training, and processes. Any weakness in the chain and the whole system is compromised. Finding and repairing broken sales channels is critical to achieving exceptional performance.

Digital A2

Digital Transformation

Every business can be digitally enabled. The outcome always creates value for customers while reducing operating expenses. It also can dramatically improve operating reliability which translates into happier customers and consistent business results.

Strategy A2


Many Owners believe innovation just happens if you hire smart people and spend money on R&D. However, real innovation is intentional and requires the cultivation of a process and culture to find the breakthroughs. An experienced partner to kick-start and fuel your innovation program will quickly improve results.