Board Advisory

Serving as a formal or informal Board Member, this advisory service provides strategic guidance from an experienced executive to help navigate difficult decisions. The service plan is customized to meet the specific needs of the owner(s), from participation in routine Board meetings to ongoing access and support that is more extensive.

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Board Advisor

Experienced operating executives on your board know the right questions to ask. Getting the right addition on your team can protect your investment and reduce your risks.

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Acquisition Advisory

Acquisitions can be an extremely effective means to create value for a business. Whether it is providing expanded geographic presence, added products, proprietary technology, or just market share, the right acquisition can be a game-changer. However, the wrong acquisition can be a disaster. Having an experienced strategic partner in the process can greatly improve the outcome.

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Strategic Pivot

Businesses become stale if they aren’t continuously reinventing themselves. Ideally, this process is one of constant evolution. However, in practice, most businesses find themselves so focused on maximizing their existing core business, that they fail to venture out into new directions.  The failure of a business to discover and pursue a “strategic pivot” for future growth, can have devasting effects on the long-term viability of a business.

Too often, the need for a strategic pivot only becomes apparent during a crisis. The Owner, preoccupied with keeping the ship from sinking, lacks the bandwidth to identify and pursue a shift in the strategic direction of the business. Having an experienced executive on your side, that has developed and executed multiple strategic pivots can greatly accelerate the transition while reducing the risk to the business.