Finding the right match

Acquisition Advisory

Acquisitions can be an extremely effective means to create value for a business. Whether it is providing expanded geographic presence, added products, proprietary technology, or just market share, the right acquisition can be a game-changer. However, the wrong acquisition can be a disaster. Having an experienced strategic partner in the process can greatly improve the outcome.

Targeting & Selection

Identifying prospective acquisitions is a very time-consuming process (with lots of dead-ends). Too often, the scope of the effort is beyond the free time and energy that most CEO’s can spare. The result is that acquisition strategies are often discussed, but seldom executed. A dedicated partner in the process can greatly improve the probability of success

Due Diligence

Once a prospective acquisition has been identified, a rigorous due-diligence process can help to identify problems with the planned acquisition. Specialists such as accountants, lawyers, asset appraisers, and risk assessors provide essential advice. However, their narrow focus overlooks the “big picture” strategic due-diligence. How do you know that the target business will fulfill your objectives once you get a chance to look under the hood? An operating executive with hands-on experience can help you see the picture from a CEO’s perspective

Integration A2


Once an acquisition is consummated, too many leaders assume that the organizations will merge smoothly together. The reality is that organization cultures often clash and differences in business processes, systems, and technology create a minefield to navigate. An independent leader in your court can help you identify the problem areas and negotiate optimal outcomes for the combined organization